Sunday, 8 April 2012

Rubensi dhe Genta e BB5 ne Fuckbook me emrin "Cifti i cmendur"...

Genta e “BB” dhe i dashuri Rubensi, prezantoheshin me foto hot dhe kerkonin eksperienca te reja me cifte te tjera.

I dashuri i Gentes: Pse frekuentojme rrjetet porno, jemi cift aventurier

Hobin e saj per te lundruar ne rrjetet sociale ne internet, Genta e BB 5 e ka pohuar vete me gojen e saj ne spektakel gjate qendrimit ne loje, ndersa ka treguar se e gdhinte gjithe naten duke catuar ne facebook. Por pothuaj askujt s’do i shkonte mendja se 22-vjecarja nga Babani i Devollit, te ishte me shume e avancuar dhe se moshataret e saj qe jetojne ne Tirane. Disa foto “hot” te botuara ne faqet roze te gazetave e ne site te ndryshme kane zbuluar anen tjeter te saj.

Ne skeden e saj prezantuese para hyrjes ne BB, ajo pohoi se fotografite ishin nje nga hobet e saj, pervec librave dhe muzikes. Ndaj per historine e fotove gjysme nudo, qe tashme po qarkullojne ne internet, tregon i dashuri i saj prej pese vitesh, Rubensi. Pasioni i tyre i perbashket per te realizuar foto artistike, dhe profili i perbashket qe kishin ne rrjetin social “http://www. prej dy vitesh me emrin “Cifti i cmendur”.

Rubens, para nje jave u publikuan disa foto provokuese te Gentes, ku pozonte me te brendshme. C’mund te thuash?
Une u ndjeva i shokuar, kur pashe foto te Gentes ne qarkullim. Me erdhi realisht keq per te ne kete rast, dhe mendoj qe ajo do te behet shume keq kur te dale nga loja dhe te perballet me kete fakt.

Ti ke qene ne nje lidhje me Genten prej 5 vitesh, ishe ne dijeni te fotove te tilla?
Po, kam qene ne dijeni, pasi une dhe ajo i kishim pasion fotot ne pergjithesi dhe sidomos fotot artistike. Kemi realizuar shume foto bashke, pasi une dhe Genta kemi pasur nje histori dashurie vertet plot aventura, dhe fotot ishin nje pjese e aventurave tona.

Nderkohe dime qe keto foto provokuese te Gentes jane marre nga nje rrjet social qe quhet “fuckbook”. C’mund te na tregosh me shume?
Po, e vertete qe fotot i kishim hedhur une dhe Genta para dy vitesh ne profilin tone te perbashket qe kishim ne rrjetin social “fuckbook”. Ne ishim pjese e ketij rrjeti social me emrin “Cifti i cmendur”, dhe e administronim te dy.

Si u ndjeve kur i pe te botuara, te kishte shkuar mendja qe ato mund te zbuloheshin nga dikush tani qe Genta eshte pjese e nje “reality”?
Ne fakt, sic e thashe, s’u ndjeva fare mire, madje m’u duk nje guxim i tepruar nga gazetat. Ne e kishim hapur ate profil per qejfin tone, duke qene se jemi shume te rinj dhe s’ka asgje te keqe ne kete mes. Tashme ai profil nuk ekziston me, pasi e caktivizova. Mund te them qe ekzistonte dhe nje profil tjeter nderkohe, ishte me te njejtin emer dhe aty kishim hedhur mbi 30 foto.

Cfare eshte ky rrjeti “fuckbook”, ka shume shqiptare ne te?
Ky eshte nje rrjet social i ngjashem me facebook, dhe ku njerezit zbulojne anen e tyre seksuale apo joshese me foto te tilla provokuese. Ka vertet shume shqiptare te regjistruar ne kete rrjet social.

Pse ky pasion juaji per te realizuar foto te tilla, pse i benit keto foto?
Nuk do flas ne asnje rast per te treguar me shume si dhe pse jane bere ato foto. Se ne te vertete me vjen keq per Genten, nuk kam pse t’i hedh akoma benzine zjarrit.

Fantazia e Gentes per t’u shfaqur e shfrenuar ne “fuckbook”

Me shume sesa realizimi i fotove provokuese, ku shfaqej dhe fantazia seksuale e Gentes, beri pershtypje fakti se pse ajo i kishte hedhur keto foto ne rrjetin social “fuckbook”, prej nga u moren fotot. Ne pozat e siperpermendura, ajo u shfaq vetem me te brendshme, duke treguar edhe te pasmet e saj. Ne fotot qe kane ekzistuar prej dy vitesh ne kete rrjet, ajo pozon ne pozicione te ndryshme seksuale njesoj si nje pornostar. Ne rrjetin fuckbook, jane te regjistruar miliona njerez nga e gjitha bota, ku presupozohet qe jane pa tabu dhe komplekse per te shfaqur nepermjet fotove anen e tyre seksuale, dhe te krijojne lidhje te reja vetem per seks. Nje nga filozofite e ketij rrjeti eshte se cdo gje qe eshte fantazi, ketu behet realitet”, dhe eshte komentuar si nje nga rrjetet e duhura per personat e dhene pas seksit. /panorama plus/
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Translation by Google:

Genta "BB" and the love Rubens, introduced with hot pictures and wanted new experiences with other couples.

I love the Gentes: Why frekuentojme porn networks, are adventurous couple

Her hobby to navigate online social networks, 5 BB Genta has affirmed itself with its mouth spectacle during their stay in the game, and showed that all night gdhinte catuar facebook. But almost anyone would not of thought about that 22-year-old from Babani Devoll, to be more advanced and its peers living in Tirana. Some photo "hot" published in the pink pages of newspapers in different sites have revealed its other side.

In her presentation tab before entering the BB, it claimed that the images were one of her hobbies, besides books and music. To the history of semi nude pictures, that is already circulating on the Internet, tells her boyfriend of five years, Rubens. Their passion to achieve common artistic photos, and profiles that were common in social network "http://www. / two years under the name "crazy couple."

Rubens, a week before being published some provocative photos Gentes, where the internal pozonte. What can you say?
I felt shocked when I saw pictures in circulation Gentes. With that came in really bad for this event, and I think that it will be very bad when out of the game and face this fact.

You have been in a relationship with Genten of 5 years, were aware of such pictures?
Yes, I was aware, as I and she had passion pictures in general and especially artistic photos. We realize many pictures together, because I've had and Genta really a love story full of adventure, and the pictures were a part of our adventures.

While we know that these provocative pictures Gentes taken from a social network called "fuckbook". What can you tell us more?
Yes, true that the pictures and I had thrown Genta two years ago in our corporate profile that had the social network "fuckbook". We were part of this social network named "Couple of crazy" and administronim two.

How I felt when I saw the published, to have gone thought that they could be discovered by anyone now that Genta is part of a "reality"?
In fact, as I said, he never felt quite well, even seemed a presumption of newspapers. We had opened it to please our profile, given that we are very young and there is nothing wrong in the middle. Now he profile does not exist, because the caktivizova. You can say that exist and a profile while the other was of the same name and it had turned over 30 photos.

What is this network "fuckbook" has many people in?
This is a social network similar to facebook, and where people reveal their sexual side or tempting with such provocative pictures. There are really many people enrolled in the social network.

Why this passion yours to realize such photos, why do these pictures?
I will not speak in any case to show more how and why those pictures were made. That we really sorry for Genten, though I have not yet put out the gas fire.

Gentes fantasy to appear rampant in "fuckbook"

More than the realization of provocative pictures, which appear and sexual fantasy Gentes, impressed by the fact that though she had laid these photos in social network "fuckbook", from which it took pictures. In the above shots, she appeared in his underwear, showing her back also. We have photos that have existed for two years in the ring, she poses in different sexual positions just like a pornostar. We fuckbook network, are registered millions of people from all over the world, which is assumed to have no taboos and complex to display pictures through their sexual side, and create new relationships just for sex. One of the philosophies of this network is that everything that is fantasy becoming reality here, "and is commented as one of the networks necessary for those given after sex. / Panorama plus /

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