Sunday, 8 April 2012

Genta e BB5 ne rrjetin porno "Fuckbook"

Fotot me pulle te kuqe, Genta e “BB5” ne skena erotike

Medyshja per t’i bere publike keto foto “skandali” na shoqeroi qe prej kohes, kur ato u zbuluan dhe mberriten ne redaksine tone. Ky edicion i fundit i reality show-t me te famshem ne Shqiperi “Big Brother Albania” eshte absolutisht me i perfoluri.

Akuza te panumerta, thashetheme mbi jeten private te banoreve, aludime mbi devijancat e tyre seksuale, personazhe te njohur e te panjohur qe flasin apo peshperijne nen ze…Fokusi kesaj radhe perqendrohet tek vajza nga fshati Baban i Devollit, Gentiana Gjalpi. Ne pamje duket moderne, por ka nje dialekt te theksuar ne te foluren e saj duke deshmuar qartazi realitetin nga i cili vjen.

Eshte rritur nen presionin e nje mentaliteti te ndrydhur, ku zor se mund te shprehte lirshem mendimet e nje vajze te re ne moshen e saj. Dhe ngushellimin mesa duket e ka gjetur ne rrjetet sociale. Ne nje fshat te prapambetur, ku interneti nuk gjen perdorim masiv, te afermit apo edhe prinderit nuk do te mund ta “kontrollonin” dot. “Molla e ndaluar, perhere e deshiruar” eshte shprehja qe paralelizon me se miri situaten e banores.

Dy lidhje dashurie ne te njejten kohe: njeri qe e lavderonte duke “e ngritur ne qiell” e shprehte deshiren per te qene bashkeshorti i ardhshem dhe tjetri qe zbulonte anen e erret te zeshkanes nen prononcimin: “E rrihja sepse me tradhtonte”. Keto jane deklaratat e dy ish te dashurve, qe me apo pa deshire kane perfituar nga situata per t’u bere pjese e gazetave roze.

Thoni qe morali i Gentushes (sic e therret me perkedheli Arbana) te jete i ulet? Nuk mund te japim nje pergjigje te sakte, thjesht ju servirim keto foto te pazakonta, qe ngjasojne me skenat e nxehta te nje filmi erotik. Nje profil ne “Fuckbook” (rrjeti ku publikohen foto, video dhe mesazhe me pulle te kuqe), i cili eshte mbyllur tashme, sherbeu per te na njohur akoma me teper me jeten e zonjushe Gjalpit jashte dyerve te “Big Brother Albania”. Sigurisht qe vajza nuk shfaqet e vetme, ndaj kureshtja e natyrshme na shtyn te investigojme akoma. Duam te mesojme se cili nga dy ish-te dashurit paraqitet ne to, perkrah vajzes “seksi”. Nuk e dime ne eshte Genta ajo qe shfaqet ne te gjitha fotot, ama emri i perdorur ne kete rrjet Creazy Couple, na le te kuptojme qe te vetmet foto te publikuara jane ato te sajat dhe te te dashurit, prej te cilit mendohet te kene dale edhe keto foto aspak te hijshme per imazhin e Gentes. Djaloshi mbi te cilin rendojne te gjitha dyshimet eshte Rubensi, me te cilin jemi perpjekur te kontaktojme gjate kesaj jave, por nuk ia kemi dale dot, duke qene se celulari i tij ka qene i fikur, fakt ky qe na i shton edhe me shume dyshimet.

Profili eshte fshire, telefoni rezulton i fikur dhe Rubensi ka deklaruar vete ashtu sikurse edhe Genta qe ushtronte dhune mbi te. Permbajtja e fotove te sjell ne mend meshkujt mazokist. Megjithate asgje s’eshte e sigurte dhe me mire se askush tjeter kete situate mund ta sqaroje vete Genta. /bluetooth/
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Translation by Google:
with the red stamp, Genta "Bb5" in erotic scenes

Indecision to make public these pictures "scandal" that accompanied us from the time when they were discovered and arrived at our editorial offices. This latest edition of the reality show 's most famous in Albania "Big Brother" is absolutely the most controversial.

Countless accusations, gossip about the private lives of residents, their allegations on devijancat sexual characters known or unknown pëshpërijnë speaking sotto voce ... The focus this time focuses on girls from the village of Devoll Baban, Gentiana Butter. In view looks modern, but has a pronounced dialect in her speech clearly demonstrated reality of origin.

Increased under the pressure of a twisted mentality, which can hardly be freely expressed thoughts of a young girl her age. And apparently there is comfort found in social networks. In a backward village, where Internet usage finds no mass, relatives or even parents can not be "controlled" dot. "Forbidden fruit, always desired" is the phrase that best parallels the situation of the resident.

Two affair at the same time: one praised by the "lift up" the expressed desire to be future husband and the other reveal the dark side of zeshkanes below statement: "The beat in every because I cheated." These are the statements of two former lovers, with or without the desire to have benefited from the situation to become part of pink newspapers.

Gentushes say that morality (as calls to caress Arbana) to be low? Can not give a correct answer, you simply martyrdom on a platter these pictures, unusual scenes that resemble a hot erotic film. A profile in "Fuckbook" (network where published photos, videos and messages with red stamp), which is already closed, it was to know us even more to life outside doors butter lady "Big Brother". Of course that does not appear the only girl, so natural curiosity prompts us to investigate yet. Want to learn which of the two ex-boyfriend appears in them, beside the girl "sexy". There is Genta know in what appears in all pictures, however the name used in this network Creazy Couple, let us understand that the only pictures published are those of hers and loved ones, from whom are believed to have come these photos at the sleek image of Gentes. Boy on whom all doubts weigh is Rubens, with whom we have tried to contact this week, but could not have managed, since his phone was switched off, a fact that adds to us even more doubts .

Profile is deleted, the phone turns off and Rubens has declared himself as the Genta violence exercised upon. Photo content brings to mind men mazokist. However nothing is certain and better than anyone else can clarify this situation Genta himself. / Bluetooth ]]

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